Monday, January 30, 2023

Issues of Privacy


    I believe privacy is something that is very hard to come across nowadays via online. Almost everything you do is monitored online. Your history for instance is constantly being tracked and monitored. Companies pay to see what you have looked at online, so they can target you for advertisements. It is scary to know that industries know exactly what type of things interest you and that they can constantly send out advertisements directed towards you, and specifically you. With the internet being such as heavy presence today, we all might as well be wearing a chip on our shoulders. It is crazy to think that we all are willing to have eyes on our backs 24/7. Every time you practically pick up your phone, someone is out there collecting some sort of data about you. It is not like we are not completely kept in the dark, however. We are told what to expect by agreeing to the terms and conditions of all these websites and organizations. People on the internet are private sectors, so as long as we enter the contract, which everyone does, we are agreeing to have them invade our privacy. To be realistic, almost every person is not going to sit there for hours reading pages upon pages of agreements for every little thing they want to do on the internet. We could simply protect ourselves from most of this privacy invasion by simply reading the terms and conditions, although this would mean we can not use the same online organizations as everyone else. To be protected from these things, in the long run, is to not use them. The government can not really do anything about this, we are willingly agreeing to these private contracts, and therefore none of our rights are violated legally. 

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