Wednesday, February 15, 2023

AI Technology


    Automation is becoming a major issue. Advancements in technology are creating a massive line of unemployment. Robots are automating the tasks needed in factories. This is causing a lot of blue-collar workers to no longer work. Advancements in technology may be speeding up production, but overall it is a negative effect. To be honest I believe we really don't need to increase the speed. Most factories are making more products than there is demand. By speeding up the process, we are not only being wasteful, but we are taking the opportunity to bring food to the table right of the hands of many Americans. This automation is cutting out the middleman. 

    You either make it or you don't nowadays. While the amount of wealth may grow in certain individuals, overall poverty will skyrocket. Another concern about AI is privacy. It is concerning how much data new technology can automate about you, just from using a search engine like google. With algorithms, companies can learn information about what we click on, and what kind of ads we are interested in. It is through data collection that these internet companies make the most of their revenue. They make an extremely large portion of their wealth from collecting data and having targeted ads sent toward us. 

    Advertisements are making companies more money than the services they provide currently. Even by messaging your friends on social media, data is collected. You say you are going to meet up at 6:45 tonight, this is still collected. AI technology is quite innovative, but we really have to be aware of the consequences that come with it.

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