Tuesday, May 2, 2023



On January 11, 1838 in Morris town Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail invented the eclectic telegram. They wanted to be able to signal systems that would make it so that people could communicate over long distances.

    The first technology anywhere that used codes to communicate messages over long distances. It enabled military leaders to conduct affairs, oversee forces, manage the delivery of supplies and keep in touch with the government and the bosses. President Lincoln sent almost 1000 messages over the span of 4 years. They first demonstrated the electric telegraph at Vail's Speedwell Iron Works. Rember that this was during a time when people were reliant on this type of technology yet. People hadn’t even seen something like the telegraph yet, so the invention was a game changer.  They had to rely on messengers riding on horseback during these times. The telegram was a huge innovation for people. It was helpful in starting up the nation's economic expansion. Once it became popular it was a huge commodity all around the world. The electric telegraph created the age of instant communication for people. It was easier to hear messages and get messages because people didn’t have to wait on a messenger to bring them from miles away, rather they could just stay where they were and receive it over the telegraph. It also made it easier to send messages because you could send them from one telegraph to The telegraph enabled four messages at a time to be sent on a single wire. It happened in New Jersey. The Menlo park research facility was able to be built after the telegraph took off and became a success. This is where they would build and test the advanced technology they were studying/inventing.

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    On January 11, 1838 in Morris town Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail invented the eclectic telegram. They wanted to be able to signal system...