Monday, May 1, 2023

Blog #6 Anti-war

     It requires digging deep in order to hear strong anti-war voices, especially in today's world because of how the mainstream news tends to hide these voices. There are a lot of people out here that aren’t getting heard or are being disregarded by mainstream news and media platforms. These media sources seem to not want these people to be heard because how the harsh reality that these people challenge to expose is not on their agenda. It seems that the truth inside the voices of these people is actually what they make out to be against their agenda.

    These voices do in fact need to be heard, it is a big obstacle for people who should be heard to have to work around mainstream media considering these mainstream media platforms tend to bring attention away from anti-war voices. It seems like war gets covered up and even more so the impact that war has on the world. For one thing, it is complicated enough to have to listen to what the news goes on about especially in cases of war because everything that gets put on the news is so misconstrued. It also gets harder and harder to find mainstream news platforms that are trustworthy. We see that oftentimes they gain influence over their viewers before even bringing them the truth. War is usually influenced and provoked and most of that is only seen on the inside. It's harder to hear what's going on when you are nowhere near.  Notice how in the US media platforms especially local ones often treat their platform as an influencer rather than an informer.

    It seems you hear the real news everywhere but on the news because oftentimes news platforms are controlled or paid off to hide what is actually going on. In some instances completely misconstrue what has gone on or is going on to bring people away from what is going on. US media platforms are streamed worldwide but the US doesn’t seem to stream the rest of the world's news and media platforms within its borders. It seems like this is why we have to seek out obscure websites to hear strong anti-war voices. 

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