Monday, May 1, 2023

Final Post: My Relationship With Technology


   I would say my relationship with technology is neither healthy nor extremely unhealthy. I am not a prominent user of social media. I do like to peer on social media every now and then when I am bored. I however am not someone who ever uses their phone when there is company around.  I am healthy in the fact that I like to focus on what is in front of me. I do not let my phone distract me from the present moment. 

    I think I give technology an appropriate amount of my time. I do use technology for the better part of the day, especially when it comes to my schoolwork.  I have nerve damage in my dominant hand, which prevents me from properly writing. I find it near impossible to keep up with the notes in any of my classes when writing. I am very grateful for my laptop, as it always me to perform on the same level as anyone else. I am able to keep up with notes, do my assignments quickly, and perform well in my classes. Technology also allows us to completely educate ourselves for free if we wanted to. We can learn anything we would in school online, all through multiple online sources. 

    Technology can also mislead you. A lot of people get very misled when they don't know to look at the proper sources. Anyone can add to the information on the internet, so you need to make sure that you are looking at the correct resources. I worry that people are too reliant on the internet for their information. They also are not properly researching their information, and are easily misled.

    I think compared to most people in my generation, I am on the better side of technology usage. I am someone who does not have Tik Tok for instance. So I am not spending hours upon hours looking at my feed. However, I still use social media and watch youtube videos which is not the best usage of my time.

    My online footprint is not really present. I do not have anything come up on myself when I googled my name.  However, that is only the footprint I leave visible to other people. My footprint is very long in terms of those who run the internet. For everything we use, we agree to a series of terms and conditions. We basically sign up to let companies track our data. I remember I got my first iPod around the age of ten years old. Legally you have to be 13 to sign up for an Apple Id. However, it was more than easy to lie about my age. I was only ten and had all my data being tracked by internet companies. Imagine someone following a ten-year-old around the park tracking down every move they make. Kind of weird right. 



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